Instruments et ordonnances de réglementation des valeurs mobilières
Le Bureau du surintendant des valeurs mobilières emploie un système d’instruments réglementaires, de règles locales et d’ordonnances générales pour administrer les exigences de la Loi sur les valeurs mobilières. La plupart de ces instruments sont inspirés de ceux qu’ont créés les Autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières (ACVM) et utilisent leur système de numérotation.
Traduction en cours
Les titres des dossiers ci-dessous sont en cours de traduction. Les documents sont toutefois disponibles en français.
Instruments nationaux
- Avis 11-335 du personnel des ACVM - modifications locales dans certains territoires
- Norme multilatérale (refondue jusqu’au 1 février 2017)
- Projet de modifications à la NM 11-102
- Avis multilatéral des ACVM modifications à certaines normes canadiennes et multilatérales, et certaines règles locales et changements à 31-103IC sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites portant sur la réglementation en matière de dérivés en Alberta, au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse et en Saskatchewan
- Avis de publication des ACVM Norme multilatérale 11-102 sur le régime de passeport Norme multilatérale 11-103 sur les interdictions d’opérations pour manquement aux obligations de dépôt dans plusieurs territoires
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Projet de modifications à la NC45-106, NC41-101, NC44-101, NC45-102 et modifications abrogeant NC45-101
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Changes to 11-102CP
- Amendment Instrument to MI 11-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- Multilateral Instrument Consolidated up to 11 January 2015
- Amendment Instrument to MI 11-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI31-103, NI33-109, NI52-107 and Changes to Related Companion Policies
- Amendment Instrument to MI 11-102
- Amendment Instrument to MI 11-102
- Amendment Instrument to MI 11-102
- CSA Notice of Adoption of NI23-103 Electronic Trading, and consequential amendments to MI11-102
- Amendment Instrument to MI 11-102
- Companion Policy Consolidated up to 20 April 2012
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation, 21-101CP, National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules and 23-101CP
- CSA Notice - National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations, Related Policies and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 11-314 - Update of CSA Instruments
- Amendment Instrument to 11-102CP
- Amendment Instrument to MI 11-102
- CSA Notice of National Instrument 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards and 52-107CP, Amendments to National Instrument 14-101 Definitions and Other Related Amendments
- Multilateral Instrument (Consolidated up to 30 April 2010)
- Instruction complémentaire
- 11-103
- 11-201
- Instruction générale canadienne (Refondue jusqu’au 2011-07-18 - la version français seulement)
- Instruction générale canadienne
- Modification de IGC 11-202
- Avis de publication - IGC 11-204 - relative à l’inscription dans plusieurs territoires, projet de modification modifiant la NM 11-102 - sur le régime de passeport, modification de IC - relative à la NM 11-102 sur le régime de passeport, modification de IGC 11-202 - relative à l’examen du prospectus dans plusieurs territoires, et modification de IGC 11-203 - relative au traitement des demandes de dispense dans plusieurs territoires
- Instruction générale canadienne 11-202
- National Policy (Consolidated up to 30 April 2016)
- Amendments to NP 11-203
- Amendments to NP 11-203
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- National Policy Consolidated up to 22 September 2014
- Amendments to National Policy 11-203
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to NP 11-203 - Black Line Version
- CSA Staff Notice 12-307 - Applications for a Decision that an Issuer is not a Reporting Issuer
- CSA Notice of Multilateral Instrument 51-105 - Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets
- Amendments to National Policy 11-203
- CSA Notice of National Policy 11-204 - Process for Registration in Multiple Jurisdictions
- National Policy 11-203
- Instruction générale canadienne 11-204
- Avis de publication - IGC 11-204 - relative à l’Inscription dans plusieurs territoires, projet de modification modifiant la NM 11-102 - sur le régime de passeport, modification de IC relative à la NM 11-102 - sur le régime de passeport, modification de LGC 11-202 - relative à l’examen du prospectus dans plusieurs territoires, et modification de LGC 11-203 - relative au traitement des demandes de dispense dans plusieurs territoires
- 11-205
- 11-206
- 11-207
- 11-309
- 11-310
- 11-312
- 11-313
- 11-314
- 11-317
- 11-318
- 11-320
- 11-321
- 11-323
- 11-326
- 11-329
- 11-330
- 11-331
- 11-332
- 11-333
- 11-334
- 11-335
- 11-336
- 11-337
- 11-338
- 11-339
- 11-340
- 11-341
- 11-342
- 12-202
- 12-203
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Réduction du fardeau réglementaire des émetteurs qui sont des fonds d’investissement – phase 2, étape 1
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Projet de Norme canadienne relative au Programme de renouvellement des systèmes pancanadiens et modifications réglementaires connexes
- Avis 11-334 du personnel des ACVM - Avis de modifications locales dans certains territoires
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 23 May 2016)
- Amendments to NI 13-101
- Amendments to NI 13-101
- Multilateral CSA Notice of Amendments to NI13-101 - System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR), and MI13-102 - System Fees for SEDAR and NRD
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Relating to Rights Offerings to NI45-106, NI41-101, NI44-101, NI45-102 and Repeal of NI45-101
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 13 January 2014)
- Amendments to NI 13-101
- CSA Staff Notice 13-322 Service Transition Cutover Date for Information Management Services and implementation of Related Consequential Amendments to CSA National Systems Rules
- Revised CSA Notice of Amendments to NI13-101, NI31-102 and NI55-102
- CSA Notice - MI13-102 System Fees for SEDAR and NRD
- Amendments to NI 13-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI41-101, NI44-101, NI44-102, NI81-101 and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice - Update of CSA Instruments
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 6 May 2011)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 1 January 2011)
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Réduction du fardeau réglementaire des émetteurs qui sont des fonds d’investissement – phase 2, étape 1
- Proposed Repeal and Replacement of Multilateral Instrument 13-102 System Fees for SEDAR and NRD
- Multilateral Instrument (Consolidated up to 23 May 2016)
- Amendments to MI 13-102
- Multilateral Instrument (Consolidated up to 9 May 2016)
- Amendments to MI 13-102
- Amendments to MI 13-102
- Multilateral CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 13-101 System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) and Multilateral Instrument 13-102 System Fees for SEDAR and NRD
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Relating to Rights Offerings to NI45-106, NI41-101, NI44-101, NI45-102 and Repeal of NI45-101
- Multilateral Instrument (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Amendments to MI 13-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- Multilateral Instrument 13-102 System Fees for SEDAR and NRD
- CSA Staff Notice 13-320 Regarding Implementation of MI 13-102 System Fees for SEDAR and NRD and Related Consequential Amendments to CSA National Systems Rules
- Revised CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 13-101, NI 31-102 and NI 55-102
- CSA Notice of Multilateral Instrument 13-102 System Fees for SEDAR and NRD
- 13-103
- 13-315
- 13-317
- 13-318
- 13-319
- 13-320
- 13-321
- 13-322
- 13-323
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Réduction du fardeau réglementaire des émetteurs qui sont des fonds d’investissement – phase 2, étape 1
- Avis 11-335 du personnel des ACVM - modifications locales dans certains territoires
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 1 février 2017)
- Projet de modifications à la NC 14-101
- Avis multilatéral des ACVM modifications à certaines normes canadiennes et multilatérales, et certaines règles locales et changements à 31-103IC sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites portant sur la réglementation en matière de dérivés en Alberta, au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse et en Saskatchewan
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 March 2013)
- Amendment Instrument
- CSA Staff Notice 11-314 - Update of CSA Instruments
- Amendment Instrument to NI 14-101
- CSA Notice of NI52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards and 52-107CP, Amendments to NI14-101 Definitions and Other Related Amendments
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 30 April 2010)
- Historical - historique
- 21-312
- 21-313
- 21-315
- 21-317
- 21-318
- 21-319
- 21-320
- 21-321
- 21-322
- 21-323
- 21-324
- 21-325
- 21-326
- 21-327
- 21-328
- 21-401
- 21-402
- L'instruction complémentaire (refondue jusqu'au 10 avril 2017)
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu'au 10 avril 2017)
- Modification de 23-101IC
- Projet de modifications à la NC 23-101
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Projet de modifications à la NC 23-101 et 23-101IC - sur les règles de négociation
- Changes to 23-101CP
- Amendments to NI 23-101
- CSA Notice of Approval - Amendments to NI 23-101 and 23-101CP - Trading Rules
- Changes to 23-101CP
- Amendments to NI 23-101
- CSA Notice of Approval- Amendments to National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation and National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 1 July 2012)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 1 July 2012)
- Amendments to NI 23-101
- Amendments to 23-101CP
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation, 21-101CP, National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules and 23-101CP
- Joint CSA/IIROC Staff Notice 23-311 - Regulatory Approach to Dark Liquidity in the Canadian Market
- CSA Staff Notice 23-309 - Frequently Asked Questions About the Order Protection Rule and Intentionally Locked or Crossed Markets - Part 6 of NI 23-101 & 23-101CP
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 28 January 2010)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 28 January 2010)
- Avis 11-335 du personnel des ACVM - modifications locales dans certains territoires
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 01 février 2017)
- Projet de modifications à la NC 23-102
- Avis multilatéral des ACVM modifications à certaines normes canadiennes et multilatérales, et certaines règles locales et changements à 31-103IC sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites portant sur la réglementation en matière de dérivés en Alberta, au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse et en Saskatchewan
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 11 janvier 2015)
- Projet de modifications à la NC 23-102
- Avis de publication des ACVM - projet de modifications à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 52-107 et modification des instructions complémentaires connexes
- Instruction complémentaire
- Norme canadienne
- Companion Pollicy (Consolidation up to 5 May 2015)
- Changes to 23-103CP
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 1 March 2014)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 1 March 2014)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 23-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 23-103
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- CSA Notice of Adoption of NI 23-103 Electronic Trading and consequential amendments to MI 11-102
- 23-303
- 23-308
- 23-309
- 23-311
- 23-312
- 23-314
- 23-315
- 23-316
- 23-319
- 23-320
- 23-322
- 23-323
- 23-324
- 23-325
- 23-326
- 23-327
- 23-328
- 23-406
- Projet de modifications à la 24-101IC
- Projet de modifications à la NC 24-101
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Projet de modifications à la NC 24-101 et IC 24-101 - sur l’appariement et le règlement des opérations institutionnelles
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 11 January 2015)
- Amendments to NI 24-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 31-103, NI 33-109, NI 52-107 and Changes to Related Companion Policies
- Amendments to NI 24-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 24-305 - Frequently Asked Questions About National Instrument 24-101 - Institutional Trade and 24-101CP
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 1 July 2010)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 1 July 2010)
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Projet de modifications à la NC 24-102 et 24-102IC - sur les obligations relatives aux agences de compensation et de dépôt
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Projet de modifications à la NC 24-102 et 24-102IC - sur les obligations relatives aux agences de compensation et de dépôt
- Instruction complémentaire
- Norme canadienne
- Avis de publication - NC 24-102 et 24-102IC, et avis de consultation - Projet de modification à la NC 24-102 et 24-102CP
- 24-301
- 24-302
- 24-304
- 24-305
- 24-306
- 24-309
- 24-310
- 24-313
- 24-314
- 24-315
- 24-316
- 24-317
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Projets de modifications suivants : NC 25-101, NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102, NC 81-106, 21-101IC, et 81-102IC
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 25-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Short-term Debt Prospectus Exemption and Short-term Securitized Products
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Amendments to NI 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Relating to the Short-term Debt Prospectus Exemption and Proposed Securitized Products Amendments
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- National Instrument
- CSA Notice - National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations, Related Policies and Consequential Amendments
- 25-102
- National Policy 25-201
- CSA Notice of publication National Policy 25-201 Guidance for Proxy Advisory Firms
- CSA Staff Notice 11-327 - Extension of Consultation Period for NP 25-201 Guidance for Proxy Advisory Firms
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment Proposed National Policy 25-201 Guidance for Proxy Advisory Firms
- 25-301
- 25-302
- 25-401
- 25-402
- 25-403
- Historical - historique
- Refondue Jusqu’au 13 Janvier 2014 - Norme Canadienne 31-102 Sur La Base De Données Nationale D'inscription
- Projet De Modifications À La Norme Canadienne 31-102 Sur La Base De Données Nationale D’inscription
- Avis 13-322 du personnel des ACVM Date de transfert des services de gestion de l’information et
- Revised CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 13-101, NI 31-102 and NI 55-102
- CSA Notice of Multilateral Instrument 13-102 System Fees for SEDAR and NRD
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- Avis 11-348 du personnel des ACVM et de consultation Applicabilité du droit canadien des valeurs mobilières à l’utilisation des systèmes d’intelligence artificielle dans les marchés des capitaux
- Avis de publication des ACVM Projet de modifications de la Norme canadienne 31-103 sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites Modifications de l’Instruction complémentaire relative à la Norme canadienne 31-103 sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites Rehaussement de la protection des clients âgés et vulnérables
- Avis 45-326 du personnel des ACVM - Le point sur les modifications concernant les créances hypothécaires syndiquées
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Projets de modification visant à rehausser la protection des clients âgés et vulnérables
- Avis 45-326 du personnel des ACVM - Le point sur les modifications concernant les créances hypothécaires syndiquées
- Avis de publication des ACVM Projet de modifications à la Norme canadienne 31-103 sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites Modification de l’Instruction complémentaire relative à la Norme canadienne 31-103 sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites Réformes en vue du rehaussement de la relation client-personne inscrite (réformes axées sur le client)
- Avis de deuxième consultation des ACVM - Projet de Modifications à la Norme canadienne 45-106, la Norme canadienne 31-103 et modifications de leurs instructions complémentaires relatives concernant les créances hypothécaires syndiquées.
- Avis de publication des ACVM Projet de modifications à la Norme canadienne 31-103-Modifications relatives à la garde
- Projet de modifications à la NM 31-103
- Projet de modifications à la NM 31-103
- Avis des ACVM - projet de modifications à la NC 45-102 et 45-102IC, à la NC 31-103, et à la IGC 11-206
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- Avis de publication des ACVM projet de modifications à la NC 31-103 et 31-103IC - sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites; et projet de modifications à la NC 33-109 et 33-109IC - sur les renseignements concernant l’inscription
- Avis 11-335 du personnel des ACVM - modifications locales dans certains territoires
- L’Instruction complémentaire (refondue jusqu’au 01 février 2017)
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 01 février 2017)
- Changements à la 31-103IC
- Projet de modifications à la NC 31-103
- Avis multilatéral des ACVM modifications à certaines normes canadiennes et multilatérales, et certaines règles locales et changements à 31-103IC sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites portant sur la réglementation en matière de dérivés en Alberta, au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse et en Saskatchewan
- Norme canadienne (Refondue jusqu'au 5 octobre 2016)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Changes to 31-103CP
- Amendments to NI 31-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- Changes to 31-103CP (Blackline)
- Amendments to NI 31-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 31-103, NI 33-109, NI 52-107 and Changes to Related Companion Policies
- Amendments to 31-103CP
- Amendments to NI 31-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 31-339 Omnibus/Blanket Orders Exempting IIROC and MFDA Registrants from Certain Provisions of NI 31-103
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 1 May 2014)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 1 May 2014)
- Changes to 31-103CP (Black line document)
- Amendments to NI 31-103
- Amendments to NI 31-103 (Amendments Required to the French Version Only)
- CSA Staff Notice 31-336 Guidance for Portfolio Managers, Exempt Market Dealers and Other Registrants on the Know-Your-Client, Know-Your-Product and Suitability Obligations
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations and to Companion Policy 31-103CP Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
- Amendments to NI 31-103
- Amendments to 31-103CP (Blackline)
- Amendments to NI 31-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations and to Companion Policy 31-103CP
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment on NI 31-103 and 31-103CP - Dispute Resolution Service - OBSI
- Amendments to 31-103CP
- Companion Policy 31-103 ( Consolidated up to 28 September 2012)
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules - re: NI 25-101
- CSA Notice of Multilateral Policy 31-202 - Registration Requirement for Investment Fund Managers and Amendments to Companion Policy 31-103CP Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
- CSA Consultation Paper 25-401 - Potential Regulation of Proxy Advisory Firms
- Amendments to 31-103CP
- Amendments to NI 31-103
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 28 February 2012)
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Multilateral Instrument 32-102 Registration Exemptions for Non-Resident Investment Fund Managers and Companion Policy 32-102CP
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations and Amendments to 31-103CP
- CSA Staff Notice 31-329 - Omnibus/Blanket orders exempting registrants from certain provisions of National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations and related staff positions
- CSA Staff Notice 31-328 - Revocation of Omnibus / Blanket Orders Exempting Registrants from Certain Provisions of National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
- CSA Staff Notice 31-327 - Broker-Dealer Registration in the Exempt Market Dealer Category
- CSA Staff Notice 31-326 - Outside Business Activities
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 11 July 2011)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 11 July 2011)
- 31-202
- 31-317
- 31-323
- 31-324
- 31-325
- 31-332
- 31-334
- 31-336
- 31-337
- 31-338
- 31-340
- 31-342
- 31-343
- 31-344
- 31-345
- 31-346
- 31-347
- 31-348
- 31-349
- 31-350
- 31-351
- Avis 31-352 du personnel des ACVM - Obligations de déclaration mensuelle relatives à la lutte contre le terrorisme et aux sanctions imposées par le Canada
- Guide des ACVM sur les obligations de déclaration mensuelle relatives à la lutte contre le terrorisme et aux sanctions imposées par le Canada (Guide LTSC)
- Rapport mensuel sur la lutte contre le terrorisme et les sanctions imposées par le Canada
- 31-353
- 31-354
- 31-355
- 31-356
- 31-357
- 31-358
- 31-359
- 32-301
- 32-302
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 8 September 2015)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 33-105
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 33-105 - Underwriting Conflicts
- Amendment Instrument to NI 33-105
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 June 2012)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 33-105
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 24 October 2011 - French version only)
- Amendment Instrument to 33-105CP (French version only)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 28 September 2009)
- Amendment Instrument to 33-105CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 33-105
- Amendment Instrument to NI 33-105
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- Projet de modifications à la NC 33-109
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- Avis de publication des ACVM projet de modifications à la NC 31-103 et 31-103IC - sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites; et projet de modifications à la NC 33-109 et 33-109IC - sur les renseignements concernant l’inscription
- Avis 11-335 du personnel des ACVM - modifications locales dans certains territoires
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 11 January 2015)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 11 January 2015)
- Changes to 33-109CP (Blackline)
- Amendments to NI 33-109
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 31-103, NI 33-109, NI 52-107 and Changes to Related Companion Policies
- Amendments to NI 33-109
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendments to NI 33-109
- Amendments to NI 33-109
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 12 April 2013)
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to NI 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Staff Notice 11-320 - Notice of Local Amendments - Nova Scotia and Yukon
- CSA Staff Notice 31-326 - Outside Business Activities
- AmendmentS to NI 33-109
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 11 July 2011)
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 31-103 Registration Requirements and Exemptions and 31-103CP, and Amendments to NI 33-109 Registration Information and 33-109CP
- Amendments to NI 33-109
- Amendments to NI 33-109
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 31-103 Registration Requirements and Exemptions and 31-103CP, and Amendments to NI 33-109 Registration Requirements
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- 33-315
- 33-316
- 33-317
- 33-318
- 33-320
- 33-321
- 33-403
- 33-404
- 34-202
- 35-101
- Historical - historique
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Les autorités en valeurs mobilières du Canada lancent une consultation sur le projet de modernisation du modèle de dépôt de prospectus applicable aux fonds d’investissement
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Réduction du fardeau réglementaire des émetteurs qui sont des fonds d’investissement – phase 2, étape 1
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Modernisation de la réglementation des produits de fonds d’investissement – OPC alternatifs
- Projet de modifications à la NC 41-101
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- Instruction complémentaire (refondue jusqu’au 8 mars 2017)
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 8 mars 2017)
- Modifications à la 41-101IC
- Projet de modifications à la NC 41-101
- Avis de publication des ACVM projet de modifications à la NC 41-101 - sur les obligations générales relatives au prospectus, à 41-101IC, et modifications corrélatives
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - CSA Mutual Fund Risk Classification Methodology for Use in Fund Facts and ETF Facts, Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 81-102 Investment Funds, and Related Consequential Amendments
- Changes to 41-101CP
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- Amendment to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Relating to Rights Offerings to NI45-106, NI41-101, NI44-101, NI45-102 and Repeal of NI45-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- Changes to 41-101CP
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice and Request For Comment - Amendments to National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements and Related Consequential Amendments
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 51-102, NI 41-101 and NI 52-110
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 24 October 2014)
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice of Repeal and Replacement of National Instrument 52-108 Auditor Oversight and Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 51-102 and NI 71-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-106, 81-106CP, NI 41-101, NI 81-101, 81-101CP, NI 81-102 and NI 81-104
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- Changes to 41-101CP
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 13 August 2013)
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- Changes to 41-101CP
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NP 41-201, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 44-103 and NP 47-201
- Amendments to 41-101 CP
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 62-105 Security Holder Rights Plans, Proposed Companion Policy 62-105CP Security Holder Rights Plans and Proposed Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 81-101 and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, Form 41-101F2, Form 41-101F3 and 41-101CP - Implementation of a New Tailored Prospectus Form
- CSA Staff Notice 11-320 - Notice of Local Amendments - Nova Scotia and Yukon
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 81-102 Mutual Funds and 81-102CP, and to National Instruments 81-101, 41-101 and 81-106
- CSA Notice - National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations, Related Policies and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Multilateral Staff Notice 51-336 - Issuers Using Mass Advertising
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 11-314 - Update of CSA Instruments
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 41-103 Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products, Proposed National Instrument 51-106 Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products and Propose
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 1 January 2011)
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments - National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements and 41-101CP, National Instrument 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions and 44-101CP and National Instrument 44-102 Shelf Distributions
- Amendments to NI 41-101
- CSA Notice - Amendments to Form 81-101F2 and Form 41-101F2
- CSA Notice of Proposed Amendments to Form 81-101F2 and Form 41-101F2
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 8 September 2008)
- 41-201
- 41-305
- 41-306
- 41-307
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 9 May 2016)
- Amendments to NI 43-101
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 25 February 2016)
- CSA Notice of Changes to Companion Policy 43-101CP - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects
- CSA Staff Notice 43-309 Review of Website Investor Presentations by Mining Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Multilateral Staff Notice 51-336 - Issuers Using Mass Advertising
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-334 - Continuous Disclosure Review Program Activities for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- 43-306
- 43-307
- 43-308
- 43-309
- 43-310
- 43-311
- Projet de modifications à la NC 44-101
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- Projet de modifications à la NC 44-101
- Projet de modifications à la NC 44-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Relating to Rights Offerings to NI45-106, NI41-101, NI44-101, NI45-102 and Repeal of NI45-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 11 April 2014)
- Amendment Intrument to NI 44-101
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 13 August 2013)
- Changes to 44-101CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-101
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-101
- Changes to 44-101CP
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NP 41-201, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 44-103 and NP 47-201
- Amendment Instrument to 44-101 CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-101
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 81-101 and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-101
- CSA Notice - National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations, Related Policies and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-101
- CSA Notice - Repeal and Replacement of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, Form 43-101F1 Technical Report, and Companion Policy 43-101CP
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 41-103 Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products, Proposed National Instrument 51-106 Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products and Propose
- Amendment Instrument to 44-101CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments - National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements and 41-101CP, National Instrument 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions and 44-101CP and National Instrument 44-102 Shelf Distributions
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 17 March 2008)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 31 December 2007)
- Avis de publication des ACVM Projet de modifications à la Norme canadienne 44-102 sur le placement de titres au moyen d’un prospectus préalable
- Avis de consultation des ACVM-Projet de modification à la Norme canadienne 44-102 sur le placement de titres au moyen d’un prospectus préalable
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 September 2014)
- Amendments to NI 44-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-102
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 13 August 2013)
- Changes to 44-102CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-102
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-102
- Changes to 44-102CP
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NP 41-201, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 44-103 and NP 47-201
- Amendment Instrument 44-102CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-102
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 81-101 and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 18 March 2008)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments - National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements and 41-101CP, National Instrument 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions and 44-101CP and National Instrument 44-102 Shelf Distributions
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 17 March 2008)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 13 August 2013)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 13 August 2013)
- Changes to 44-103CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 44-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NP 41-201, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 44-103 and NP 47-201
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 17 March 2008)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 17 March 2008)
- 44-304
- 44-305
- Modification de 45-102IC
- Projet de modifications à la NC 45-102
- Avis des ACVM - projet de modifications à la NC 45-102 et 45-102IC, à la NC 31-103, et à la IGC 11-206
- National Instrument (Consolidated up 30 April 2016)
- Amendments to NI 45-102
- Amendments to NI 45-102
- Amendments to NI 45-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Relating to Rights Offerings to NI45-106, NI41-101, NI44-101, NI45-102 and Repeal of NI45-101
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Changes to 45-102 CP
- Amendments to NI 45-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- CSA Staff Notice 11-320 - Notice of Local Amendments - Nova Scotia and Yukon
- CSA Staff Notice 11-315 - Extension of Consultation Period
- CSA Staff Notice 11-314 - Update of CSA Instruments
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 41-103 Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products, Proposed National Instrument 51-106 Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products and Propose
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 28 September 2009)
- Avis 45-106 du personnel des ACVM - Le point sur les modifications concernant les créances hypothécaires syndiquées
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Modifications concernant la dispense de prospectus pour placement au moyen d’une notice d’offre
- Avis de deuxième consultation des ACVM - Projet de Modifications à la Norme canadienne 45-106, la Norme canadienne 31-103 et modifications de leurs instructions complémentaires relatives concernant les créances hypothécaires syndiquées.
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Projet de modifications à la NC 45-106 et 45-106IC sur les dispenses de prospectus relatives aux déclarations de placement avec dispense
- Projet de modifications à la NC 45-106
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- Avis de consultation multilatéral des ACVM - Projet de modifications à la NC 45-106 sur les dispenses de prospectus relatif aux déclarations de placement avec dispense
- Avis 11-334 du personnel des ACVM - Avis de modifications locales dans certains territoires
- Instruction complémentaire (Refondue jusqu'au 5 octobre 2016)
- Norme canadienne 45-106 (Refondue jusqu'au 5 octobre 2016)
- Changes to 45-106CP
- Amendments to NI 45-106
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 45-106 - Prospectus Exemptions relating to Reports of Exempt Distribution
- Changes to 45-106CP
- Amendments to NI 45-106
- Amendment to NI 45-106
- Multilateral CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 - Prospectus Exemptions Relating to the Offering Memorandum Exemption
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Relating to Rights Offerings to NI45-106, NI41-101, NI44-101, NI45-102 and Repeal of NI45-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- CSA Staff Notice 45-308 - Guidance for Preparing and Filing Reports of Exempt Distribution under National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions Revised
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 45-106
- Changes to 45-106CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 45-106
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Short-term Debt Prospectus Exemption and Short-term Securitized Products
- Blanket Order 45-507 Exemptions from Certain Financial Statement Requirements of Form 45-106F2 Offering Memorandum for Non-Qualifying Issuers
- Amendments to NI 45-106
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 31 May 2013 - Amendments required to the French version only)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 45-106 (Amendments required to the French version only)
- Multilateral CSA Notice of Publication and Request for Comment - Proposed Amendments to NI 45-106 Relating to the Offering Memorandum Exemption and Reports of Exempt Distribution
- CSA Staff Notice 31-336 Guidance for Portfolio Managers, Exempt Market Dealers and Other Registrants on the Know-Your-Client, Know-Your-Product and Suitability Obligations
- Amendment Instrument to NI 45-106
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Staff Notice 11-320 - Notice of Local Amendments - Nova Scotia and Yukon
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Staff Notice 45-310 - Update on CSA Staff Consultation Note 45-401 Review of Minimum Amount and Accredited Investor Exemptions
- CSA Staff Notice 45-308 - Guidance for Preparing and Filing Reports of Exempt Distribution under National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions
- Multilateral CSA Staff Notice 45-309 - Guidance for Preparing and Filing an Offering Memorandum under National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions
- CSA Staff Notice 11-316 - Notice of Local Amendments British Columbia
- CSA Staff Notice 31-327 - Broker-Dealer Registration in the Exempt Market Dealer Category
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to NI 45-106
- CSA Staff Notice 11-315 - Extension of Consultation Period
- CSA Staff Notice 11-314 - Update of CSA Instruments
- CSA Notice - Repeal and Replacement of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, Form 43-101F1 Technical Report, and Companion Policy 43-101CP
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 41-103 Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products, Proposed National Instrument 51-106 Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products and Propose
- Amendment Instrument to NI 45-106
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 1 January 2011)
- CSA Notice of Amendments - National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions and 45-106CP
- National Instrument
- Multilateral Instrument
- Multilateral CSA Notice - Multilateral Instrument 45-107 Listing Representation and Statutory Rights of Action Disclosure Exemptions
- Multilateral CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Multilateral Instrument 45-107 Listing Representation and Statutory Rights of Action Disclosure Exemptions
- 45-108
- 45-110
- 45-304
- 45-307
- Avis 45-308 du personnel des ACVM (révisé) - Indications relatives à l’établissement et au dépôt d’une déclaration de placement avec dispense en vertu de la NC 45-106 - sur les dispenses de prospectus
- Avis 45-308 du personnel des ACVM - Indications relatives à l’établissement et au dépôt d’une déclaration de placement avec dispense en vertu de la NC 45-106 - sur les dispenses de prospectus
- 45-309
- 45-310
- 45-312
- 45-313
- 45-314
- 45-315
- 45-317
- 45-318
- 45-319
- 45-321
- Avis 45-323 du personnel des ACVM (révisé) - Le point sur l’utilisation de la dispense relative au placement de droits prévue par la Norme canadienne 45-106 - sur les dispenses de prospectus
- Avis 45-323 du personnel des ACVM - Le point sur l’utilisation de la dispense relative au placement de droits prévue par la Norme canadienne 45-106 - sur les dispenses de prospectus
- 45-324
- 45-325
- 45-326
- 46-201
- 46-303
- 46-304
- 46-305
- 46-306
- 46-307
- 46-308
- 46-309
- 47-201
Historical - historique
- 45-101
- Avis 45-308 du personnel des ACVM (révisé) - Indications relatives à l’établissement et au dépôt d’une déclaration de placement avec dispense en vertu de la NC 45-106 - sur les dispenses de prospectus
- Avis 45-308 du personnel des ACVM (révisé) - Indications relatives à l’établissement et au dépôt d’une déclaration de placement avec dispense en vertu de la NC 45-106 - sur les dispenses de prospectus
- Avis 45-308 du personnel des ACVM (révisé) - Indications relatives à l’établissement et au dépôt d’une déclaration de placement avec dispense en vertu de la NC 45-106 - sur les dispenses de prospectus
- Avis 45-308 du personnel des ACVM (révisé) - Indications relatives à l’établissement et au dépôt d’une déclaration de placement avec dispense en vertu de la NC 45-106 - sur les dispenses de prospectus
- 45-311
- 45-320
- CSA Staff Notice 51-345 - Disclosure of Abandonment and Reclamation Costs in National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities and Related Forms
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 51-101 and Changes to 51-101CP
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 30 December 2010 - Amendments required to the French Version Only)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 51-101 (Amendments Required to the French Version Only)
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities and Proposed changes to 51-101CP
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- Revised CSA Staff Notice 51-327 Guidance on Oil and Gas Disclosure
- CSA Multilateral Staff Notice 51-336 - Issuers Using Mass Advertising
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-334 - Continuous Disclosure Review Program Activities for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011
- Amendment Instrument to 51-101CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 51-101
- CSA Staff Notice 51-324 - Glossary to National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities
- CSA Staff Notice 51-327 - Oil and Gas Disclosure: Resources Other Than Reserves Data
- CSA Notice of Amendments - National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities, 51-101CP and related and consequential amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-312 (Revised) - Harmonized Continuous Disclosure Review Program
- Oil and Gas Disclosure: Resources Other Than Reserves Data
- Consolidated version of NI 51-101
- CSA Staff Notice 51-324 - Glossary to NI 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities
- New Version of 51-101CP
- Avis de consultation des ACVM Projets de modification à la Norme canadienne 51-102 sur les obligations d’information continue et de modification de certaines instructions complémentaires concernant les obligations relatives à la déclaration d’acquisition d’entreprise
- Projet de modifications à la NC 51-102
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- Projet de modifications à la NC 51-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- Changes to Companion Policy 51-102CP
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 51-102, NI 41-101 and NI 52-110
- CSA Staff Notice 43-309 Review of Website Investor Presentations by Mining Issuers
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- Changes to Companion Policy 51-102CP
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- CSA Notice of Repeal and Replacement of National Instrument 52-108 Auditor Oversight and Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 51-102 and NI 71-102
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Amendments to NI 51-102, NI 41-101 and NI 52-110
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Repeal and Replacement of National Instrument 52-108 Auditor Oversight and Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101,NI 51-102 and NI 71-102
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 62-105 Security Holder Rights Plans, Proposed Companion Policy 62-105CP Security Holder Rights Plans and Proposed Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 81-101 and Consequential Amendments
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments To Improve Issuer Communications with Investors
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules - re: NI 25-101
- CSA Consultation Paper 25-401 - Potential Regulation of Proxy Advisory Firms
- Amendment to 51-102
- CSA Notice - National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations, Related Policies and Consequential Amendments
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice - Amendments to Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-334 - Continuous Disclosure Review Program Activities for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer and 54-101CP and National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations and 51-102CP
- CSA Notice - Repeal and Replacement of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, Form 43-101F1 Technical Report, and Companion Policy 43-101CP
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 41-103 Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products, Proposed National Instrument 51-106 Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products and Propose
- Amendment Instrument to Companion Policy 51-102CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 51-102
- CSA Staff Notice 51-333 - Environmental Reporting Guidance
- CSA Notice of Amendments - National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations and 51-102CP and National Instrument 71-102 Continuous Disclosure and Other Exemptions Relating to Foreign Issuers and 71-102CP
- CSA Notice and Request for Comments - Proposed Amendments to NI 54-101, NI 51-102 and NP 11-201
- CSA Staff Notice 51-330 - Guidance Regarding the Application of Forward-looking Information Requirements under National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
- CSA Staff Notice 51-331 – Report on Staff’s Review of Executive Compensation Disclosure
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- CSA Staff Notice 51-312 (Revised) - Harmonized Continuous Disclosure Review Program
- Amendment Instrument to Form 51-102F6
- Amendment Instrument to NI 51-102
- Form 51-102F6 (in respect of financial years ending on or after 31 December 2008)
- Amendment Instrument to Companion Policy 51-102CP9
- Amendment Instrument to Form 51-102F1
- Amendment to Companion Policy 51-102CP
- Amendment to Form 51-102F3
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- Amendment to Companion Policy 51-102CP
- Amendment Instrument to Form 51-102F1
- Amendment Instrument to Form 51-102F2
- Amendment Instrument to Form 51-102F5
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- Amendment to Form 51-102F1
- Amendment to Form 51-102F2
- Amendment to Form 51-102F5
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- Amendment to Companion Policy 51-102CP
- CSA Notice of Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-311 - Frequently asked questions regarding NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
- Amendments to All Forms Relating to NI 51-102
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- Companion Policy (Amended)
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 51-102, NI 52-107, NI 71-102 and NI 44-101
- Amendment to Form 51-102F2
- Amendment to NI 51-102
- Amendments to NI 81-106
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Multilateral Instrument (Consolidated up to 9 May 2016)
- Amendments to MI 51-105
- Amendments to MI 51-105
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Changes to 51-105CP
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 45-106 - Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- CSA Staff Notice 11-320 - Notice of Local Amendments - Nova Scotia and Yukon
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- 51-105 Multilateral instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-The-Counter Markets
- Companion Policy 51-105CP to Multilateral Instrument 51-105 Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets
- Companion Policy
- Multilateral Instrument
- CSA Notice of Multilateral Instrument 51-105 - Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets
- National Policy (Consolidated up to 31 May 2013)
- Changes to NP 51-201
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules - re: NI 25-101
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- National Policy (Consolidated up to 31 December 2007)
- 51-309
- 51-311
- 51-312
- 51-316
- 51-319
- 51-320
- 51-322
- 51-323
- 51-324
- 51-327
- 51-328
- 51-330
- 51-331
- 51-333
- 51-336
- 51-338
- 51-339
- 51-340
- 51-341
- 51-342
- 51-344
- 51-345
- 51-346
- 51-348
- 51-351
- 51-352
- 51-353
- 51-354
- 51-355
- 51-356
- 51-357
- 51-358
- 51-359
- 51-360
- 51-362
- 51-404
- 51-405
- National Instrument (Consolidated up 30 April 2016)
- Amendments to NI 52-107
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-107
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 11 January 2015)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 11 January 2015)
- Changes to 52-107CP (Blackline)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-107
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 31-103, NI 33-109, NI 52-107 and Changes to Related Companion Policies
- Amendment Instrument to 52-107CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-107
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 81-101 and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Staff Notice 41-306 - IFRS Transition – Prospectus Issues
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- Avis de consultation des ACVM Projet de modification à la Norme canadienne 52-108 sur la surveillance des auditeurs Projet de modification de l’Instruction complémentaire relative à laNorme canadienne 52-108 sur la surveillance des auditeurs
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- CSA Notice of Repeal and Replacement of National Instrument 52-108 Auditor Oversight and Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 51-102 and NI 71-102
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-108 (Amendments required to the English version only)
- National Instrument 52-108 (Consolidated up to 22 August 2013)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-108 (Amendments required in the French version only)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-108 (Amendments required in the French version only)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 4 July 2008)
- Amendment to NI 52-109
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-109 (Amendments required to the French version only)
- National Instrument 52-109 (Consolidated up to 30 June 2013)
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-334 - Continuous Disclosure Review Program Activities for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011
- CSA Staff Notice 11-315 - Extension of Consultation Period
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 41-103 Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products, Proposed National Instrument 51-106 Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products and Propose
- Amendment Instrument to 52-109CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-109
- CSA Staff Notice 52-327 - Certification Compliance Update
- CSA Notice of Amendments - National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings and 52-109CP
- CSA Staff Notice 51-312 (Revised) - Harmonized Continuous Disclosure Review Program
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- Amendment to NI 52-110
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-110
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 51-102, NI 41-101 and NI 52-110
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Amendments to NI 51-102, NI 41-101 and NI 52-110
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-110 (Amendments required to the French version only)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 30 June 2013)
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Consultation Paper 91-406 - Derivatives: OTC Central Counterparty Clearing
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to 52-110CP (Amendments required in the French version only)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 52-110
- CSA Staff Notice 51-333 - Environmental Reporting Guidance
- CSA Notice of National Instrument 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards and 52-107CP, Amendments to National Instrument 14-101 Definitions and Other Related Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-312 (Revised) - Harmonized Continuous Disclosure Review Program
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Projet de NC et IC 52-112 - sur l’information concernant les mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR et les autres mesures financières
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Projet de NC et IC 52-112 - sur l’information concernant les mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR et les autres mesures financières
- 52-306
- 52-309
- 52-310
- 52-311
- 52-312
- 52-313
- 52-315
- 52-316
- 52-317
- 52-318
- 52-320
- 52-321
- 52-322
- 52-323
- 52-324
- 52-325
- 52-326
- 52-327
- 52-328
- 52-329
- 52-330
- 52-403
- 52-404
- Companion Policy 54-101 (Consolidated up to 11 February 2013)
- National Instrument 54-101 (Consolidated up to 11 February 2013)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 54-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments To Improve Issuer Communications with Investors
- Amendment Instrument to NI 54-101
- CSA Notice of National Instrument 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards and 52-107CP, Amendments to National Instrument 14-101 Definitions and Other Related Amendments
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- 54-302
- 54-303
- 54-305
- 54-401
- Avis 11-335 du personnel des ACVM - modifications locales dans certains territoires
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 13 January 2014)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 55-102
- CSA Staff Notice 13-322 Service Transition Cutover Date for Information Management Services and implementation of Related Consequential Amendments to CSA National Systems Rules
- Revised CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 13-101, NI 31-102 and NI 55-102
- CSA Notice of Multilateral Instrument 13-102 System Fees for SEDAR and NRD
- CSA Staff Notice 11-314 - Update of CSA Instruments
- CSA Staff Notice 55-316 - Questions and Answers on Insider Reporting and the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI)
- Companion Policy
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 1 février 2017)
- Projet de modifications à la NC 55-104
- Avis multilatéral des ACVM modifications à certaines normes canadiennes et multilatérales, et certaines règles locales et changements à 31-103IC sur les obligations et dispenses d’inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites portant sur la réglementation en matière de dérivés en Alberta, au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse et en Saskatchewan
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 9 May 2016)
- Changes to 55-104CP
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- 55-312
- 55-314
- 55-315
- 55-316
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 31 December 2014)
- Amendment to NI 58-101
- Multilateral CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- Amendment to NI 58-101 (Amendments required to the French version only)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 31 October 2011)
- Amendment to NI 58-101
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice - Amendments to Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-334 - Continuous Disclosure Review Program Activities for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed Amendments to Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 51-333 - Environmental Reporting Guidance
- CSA Staff Notice 51-312 (Revised) - Harmonized Continuous Disclosure Review Program
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 17 March 2008)
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to NP 58-201
- National Policy (Consolidated up to 18 July 2011)
- CSA Staff Notice 58-304 - Review of National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices and National Policy 58-201 Corporate Governance Guidelines
- 58-303
- 58-305
- 58-306
- 58-307
- 58-308
- 58-309
- 58-310
- 58-311
Historical - historique
- 51-332
- 51-334
- 51-337
- Avis 51-360 du personnel des ACVM – Foire aux questions au sujet de la prolongation du délai de dépôt accordée par voie d’ordonnance générale en réponse à la Covid-19
- Avis 51-360 du personnel des ACVM – Foire aux questions au sujet de la prolongation du délai de dépôt accordée par voie d’ordonnance générale en réponse à la Covid-19
- Avis 51-360 du personnel des ACVM – Foire aux questions au sujet de la prolongation du délai de dépôt accordée par voie d’ordonnance générale en réponse à la Covid-19
- 54-304
- Avis multilatéral 61-302 du personnel des ACVM - Examen du personnel et commentaires sur la NM 61-101 - sur les mesures de protection des porteurs minoritaires lors d’opérations particulières
- Instruction complémentaire
- Norme multilatérale
- Avis multilatéral de publication des ACVM - NM 61-101 - sur la protection des porteurs minoritaires lors d’opérations particulières
- 61-302
- 61-303
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 9 May 2016)
- Amendments to NI 62-103
- Amendments to MI 62-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments - MI62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids; NI62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues; and Changes to NP62-203 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Amendments to NI 62-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 September 2014)
- Amendments to NI 62-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI81-102, NI81-106, NI81-101, NI41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendments to MI 62-104 (Amendments to French version only)
- Multilateral Instrument (Consolidated up to 12 April 2013)
- CSA Staff Notice 11-314 - Update of CSA Instruments
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 30 April 2010)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 9 May 2016)
- Amendments to NI 62-104
- Amendments to MI 62-104
- CSA Notice of Amendments to Take-Over Bid Regime - Amendments to MI62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids; and Changes to NP62-203 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids; and Consequential Amendments
- CSA Notice of Amendments - MI62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids; NI62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues; and Changes to NP62-203 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 5 May 2015)
- Amendments to NI 62-103
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 45-106 - Relating to the Accredited Investor and Minimum Amount Investment Prospectus Exemptions
- Multilateral Instrument (Consolidated up to 12 April 2013)
- Amendments to MI 62-104 (Amendments to French version only)
- Amendments to MI 62-104
- CSA Notice of National Instrument 52-107 - Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards and 52-107CP, Amendments to NI 14-101 Definitions, and Other Related Amendments
- Multilateral Instrument
- CSA Notice of Adoption
- 62-105
- 62-202
- National Policy 62-203 (Consolidated up to 9 May 2016)
- Changes (2) to NP 62-203
- Changes (1) to NP 62-203
- CSA Notice of Amendments - MI62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids; NI62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues; and Changes to NP62-203 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids
- National Policy
- CSA Notice of Adoption of National Policy 62-203 - Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids
- 62-305
- 62-306
Historical - historique
- 71-101
- Amendment to NI 71-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 30 September 2014)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 30 September 2014)
- Changes to 71-102CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 71-102
- CSA Notice of Repeal and Replacement of National Instrument 52-108 Auditor Oversight and Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 51-102 and NI 71-102
- Amendment Instrument to NI 71-102 (Amendments Required to the French Version Only)
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers List of Commenters
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - Proposed National Instrument 51-103 - Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers, Proposed Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and NI 45-106 and Proposed Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to NI 71-102
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 1 January 2011)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 31 December 2007)
Historical - historique
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Réduction du fardeau réglementaire des émetteurs qui sont des fonds d’investissement – phase 2, étape 1
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Modernisation de la réglementation des produits de fonds d’investissement – OPC alternatifs
- Instruction complémentaire (refondue jusqu’au 8 mars 2017)
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 8 mars 2017)
- Modifications à la 81-101CP
- Projet de modifications à la NC 81-101
- Avis de publication des ACVM - projet de modifications à la NC 81-102 sur les fonds d’investissement, et modifications corrélatives
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - CSA Mutual Fund Risk Classification Methodology for Use in Fund Facts and ETF Facts, Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 81-102 Investment Funds, and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment to NI 81-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments - Related to the Recognition of Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 11 March 2015)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 11 March 2015)
- Amendment to NI 81-101
- Changes to 81-101CP
- Implementation of the Final Stage of Point of Sale Disclosure for Mutual Funds: Pre-Sale Delivery of Fund Facts - CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-101 and Changes to 81-101CP
- Amendments to NI 81-101
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 1 January 2014)
- Changes to 81-101CP
- Amendment to NI 81-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-106, 81-106CP, NI 41-101, NI 81-101, 81-101CP, NI 81-102 and NI 81-104
- Changes to Companion Policy 81-101CP
- Amendment to NI 81-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-101, 81-101CP and NI 81-102
- Amendment to NI 81-101
- Amendment to Companion Policy 81-101CP
- Amendment to NI 81-101
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 41-101, NI 44-101, NI 44-102, NI 81-101 and Consequential Amendments
- Amendment to NI 81-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 81-102 Mutual Funds and 81-102CP, and to National Instruments 81-101, 41-101 and 81-106
- CSA Staff Notice 81-321 - Early Use of the Fund Facts to Satisfy Prospectus Delivery Requirements
- Amendment to Companion Policy 81-101CP
- Amendment to NI 81-101
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 81-101 Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure, Form 81-101F1, 81-101F2, 81-101CP and Related Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-101
- CSA Staff Notice 81-319 - Status Report on the implementation of Point of Sale Disclosure for Mutual Funds
- CSA Notice - Amendments to Form 81-101F2 and Form 41-101F2
- Amendment Instrument to Form 81-101F2
- Amendment Instrument to 81-101CP arising from NI 41-101
- Amendment Instrument to Form 81-101F1 arising from NI 41-101
- Amendment Instrument to Form 81-101F2 arising from NI 41-101
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-101 arising from NI 41-101
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-101, 81-101F1 and 81-101F2 arising from NI 81-107
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-101, 81-101F1, 81-101F2, 81-101CP arising from NI 52-107
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Réduction du fardeau réglementaire des émetteurs qui sont des fonds d’investissement – phase 2, étape 1
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Modernisation de la réglementation des produits de fonds d’investissement – OPC alternatifs
- Modification de 81-102IC
- Projet de modifications à la NI 81-102
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 14 novembre 2017)
- Projet de modifications à la NC 81-102
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Adoption du cycle de règlement de deux jours pour les organismes de placement collectif classiques, projet de modifications à la NC 81-102 - sur les fonds d’investissement
- Avis multilatéral 81-328 du personnel des ACVM - Rapport de l’auditeur en la forme prévue respectivement aux annexes B-1, B-2 et B-3 de la NC 81-102 - sur les fonds d’investissement
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 8 mars 2017)
- Projet de modifications à la NC 81-102
- Avis de publication des ACVM - projet de modifications à la NC 81-102 sur les fonds d’investissement, et modifications corrélatives
- CSA Notice and Request for Comment - CSA Mutual Fund Risk Classification Methodology for Use in Fund Facts and ETF Facts, Proposed Amendments to NI 81-102 Investment Funds, and Related Consequential Amendments
- CSA Staff Notice 81-326 - Update on an Alternative Funds Framework for Investment Funds
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 1 January 2015)
- Companion Policy
- Amendments to NI 81-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendments to NI 81-102 (amendments to French version only)
- Changes to 81-102CP (French version only)
- Amendments to NI 81-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-106, 81-106CP, NI 41-101, NI 81-101, 81-101CP, NI 81-102 and NI 81-104
- Amendment to NI 81-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-101, 81-101CP and NI 81-102
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-102
- Changes to 81-102CP
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- Amendment Instrument
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 16 November 2012 - Amended in French version only)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 16 November 2012)
- Amendments to 81-102CP (amendments to French version only).
- Amendment to 81-102CP
- Amendment to NI 81-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 81-102 Mutual Funds and 81-102CP, and to National Instruments 81-101, 41-101 and 81-106
- Amendment Instrument to 81-102CP
- Amendment to NI 81-102
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 81-101 Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure, Form 81-101F1, 81-101F2, 81-101CP and Related Amendments
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 28 September 2009)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 8 September 2008)
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Modernisation de la réglementation des produits de fonds d’investissement – OPC alternatifs
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 14 novembre 2017)
- Projet de modifications à la NC 81-104
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Adoption du cycle de règlement de deux jours pour les organismes de placement collectif classiques, projet de modifications à la NC 81-102 - sur les fonds d’investissement
- CSA Staff Notice 81-326 - Update on an Alternative Funds Framework for Investment Funds
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 22 September 2014)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 September 2014)
- Amendments to 81-104CP
- Amendments to NI 81-104
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendments to NI 81-104
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-106, 81-106CP, NI 41-101, NI 81-101, 81-101CP, NI 81-102 and NI 81-104
- Amendments to NI 81-104
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 June 2012)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 28 September 2009)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 17 March 2008)
- Avis de publication multilatéral des ACVM - Interdiction de payer des commissions de suivi relativement aux titres d’organismes de placement collectif dans les cas où une évaluation de la convenance n’était pas requise
- Avis de publication multilatéral des ACVM - Modifications concernant l’interdiction du versement de frais d’acquisition reportés par les fonds d’investissement
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Projet de modifications à la NC 81-105 - sur les pratiques commerciales des organismes de placement collectif Projets de modifications corrélatives
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 September 2014)
- Amendments to NI 81-105
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-105
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 June 2012)
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 28 September 2009)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 28 September 2009)
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Réduction du fardeau réglementaire des émetteurs qui sont des fonds d’investissement – phase 2, étape 1
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Modernisation de la réglementation des produits de fonds d’investissement – OPC alternatifs
- Projet de modifications à la NC 81-106
- Avis de publication des ACVM relatif aux agences de notation désignées - Modifications à 21-101IC, et à la NC 31-103, NC 33-109, NC 41-101, NC 44-101, NC 44-102, NC 45-106, NC 51-102, NC 81-102 et à 81-102IC, et à la NC 81-106,
- Instruction complémentaire (refondue jusqu’au 8 mars 2017)
- Norme canadienne (refondue jusqu’au 8 mars 2017)
- Modifications à la 81-106IC
- Projet de modifications à la NC 81-106
- Companion Policy (Consolidated up to 22 September 2014)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 September 2014)
- Amendments to Companion Policy 81-106CP
- Amendments to NI 81-106
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Changes to 81-106CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-106
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-106, 81-106CP, NI 41-101, NI 81-101, 81-101CP, NI 81-102 and NI 81-104
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-106
- CSA Notice - Consequential Amendments to Registration, Prospectus and Continuous Disclosure Rules Related to National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations
- Amendment Instrument
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 16 November 2012)
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-106
- CSA Staff Notice 81-320 (Revised) - Update on International Financial Reporting Standards for Investment Funds
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 81-102 Mutual Funds and 81-102CP, and to National Instruments 81-101, 41-101 and 81-106
- CSA Staff Notice 81-320 (Revised) - Update on International Financial Reporting Standards for Investment Funds
- Amendment Instrument to 81-106CP
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-106
- CSA Staff Notice 81-320 - Update on International Financial Reporting Standards for Investment Funds
- CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 81-101 Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure, Form 81-101F1, 81-101F2, 81-101CP and Related Amendments
- Amendment Instrument to 81-106CP
- Amendment Instrument to Form 81-106F1
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-106
- Amendment Instrument to NI 81-106
- CSA Staff Notice 81-315 - FAQ on NI 81-106
- Companion Policy
- National Instrument
- Avis de consultation des ACVM - Réduction du fardeau réglementaire des émetteurs qui sont des fonds d’investissement – phase 2, étape 1
- Avis de publication des ACVM - Modernisation de la réglementation des produits de fonds d’investissement – OPC alternatifs
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 11 January 2015)
- Amendments to NI 81-107
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 31-103, NI 33-109, NI 52-107 and Changes to Related Companion Policies
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 22 September 2014)
- Amendments to NI 81-107
- CSA Notice of Amendments to NI 81-102, NI 81-106, NI 81-101, NI 41-101 and Related Consequential Amendments
- Amendments to NI 81-107 (Amendments required in the French version only)
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 12 April 2013)
- CSA Staff Notice 11-314 - Update of CSA Instruments
- National Instrument (Consolidated up to 28 September 2009)
- CSA Staff Notice 81-317 - Frequently Asked Questions on National Instrument 81-107 Independent Review Committee For Investment Funds
- 81-315
- 81-316
- 81-317
- 81-318
- 81-323
- 81-324
- 81-327
- 81-328
- 81-329
- 81-330
- 81-331
- 81-332
- 81-333
- 81-407
- 81-408
- Historical - historique