The Coroner Service is responsible for the investigation of all sudden and unexpected deaths in the Northwest Territories.
Justices of the Peace Review Council The Justices of the Peace Review Council is established under the Justices of the Peace Act (s.9). All complaints regarding Justices of the Peace must be made to the Chief Judge of the Territorial Court. The Chief Judge may take a number of actions including referring the complaint to…
The Legal Aid Commission provides legal aid and outreach services to the Northwest Territories.
The Maintenance Enforcement Program assists children and families by monitoring, collecting, and enforcing child and spousal support payments.
The Northwest Territories Review Board performs ongoing reviews of cases where the accused is unfit to stand trial.
The Office of the Regulator of Oil and Gas Operations (OROGO) regulates operations outside of federally managed areas and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region for the primary purpose of ensuring saftey, environmental protection, and conservation of oil and gas reserves. OROGO has an arm's length relationship to the Government. More information is available on the OROGO…
The Public Trustee manages estates of persons who are deceased or otherwise incapable of handling their financial affairs.
The Rental Office provides information to and resolves disputes between landlords and tenants.
The Victims Assistance Committee promotes public awareness and accessibility of services to victims of crime.