NWT Maintenance Enforcement Program

Maintenance Enforcement Program
3rd Floor YK Centre East, #17 4915 48th St
X1A 3S4
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday to Friday

The Maintenance Enforcement Program assists children and families by monitoring, enforcing and collecting spousal and/or child support payments specified in court orders and agreements.

The program can also assist with applying for, amending and enforcing interjurisdictional support orders for clients residing in different provinces, territories, states or countries.

If you have a support order which is registered for enforcement, you can track your support payments online.

The Maintenance Enforcement Program does not:

  • obtain court-issued support orders for you,
  • change court orders in any way,
  • provide legal advice or representation, or
  • deal with child custody or access issues.

The Community Justice Division offers services to victims that can assist you in dealing with the emotional and physical consequences…
Contact the Department of Justice