Fine Option Program – Assigning Agencies
The Government of the Northwest Territories invites dedicated organizations to join us as Assigning Agencies for our Fine Option Program. The Fine Option Program is a voluntary program that offers people the opportunity to pay their fines by doing unpaid and supervised work for the community.
Assigning Agencies work with the Department of Justice Probation Services to manage important details of the program such as:
- coordinating community service;
- monitoring participant progress;
- ensuring program adherence; and
- tracking success rates.
Assigning Agencies can be:
- Indigenous governments;
- Community governments;
- Band Councils;
- non-profit organizations; and
- community-based groups with experience serving vulnerable populations and knowledge of justice system.
Assigning Agencies help to find alternative solutions for individuals unable to pay fines and promote community engagement, personal growth, and social responsibility.
For more information on the Fine Option Program or how to become an Assigning Agency contact:
Corrections Service
4903 49th Street
PO Box 1320
X1A 2L9