NWT Victims Services Program Conducts Independent Evaluation

Ongoing programs need to have independent evaluation from time to time to ensure they are meeting the needs of those who use them, program objectives and ensure that the programs are shifting to fulfill changing needs.

The NWT Victims Services Program is a community-based program using community organizations, not public servants, to provide local and regional services to victims of crime. Services are provided through eight sponsoring community organizations that deliver services to all 33 communities in the NWT and are based on the needs of the clients, centred on the individual.

An independent third party organization was contracted to review and complete a thorough and carefully considered assessment of the NWT Victims Services Program earlier this year. The Victims Services Program Evaluation was released November 2020. Community Justice and Community Policing staff will be working with stakeholders and program delivery staff to work together to improve services for victims in the Northwest Territories.

If you have any questions on this report, please contact victimservices@gov.nt.ca or call 1-867-767-9261.

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