Personal Property Registry

The Personal Property Registry (PPR) is an online registry that allows individuals and businesses to register notices of security interests in personal property within the Northwest Territories in accordance with the Personal Property Security Act. A security interest establishes the secured party’s rights to the secured property against the owner of the property.

A security interest establishes the secured party’s rights to the secured property against the owner of the property in the event that the terms of an obligation are broken – usually payments for a loan, goods, or services rendered.

The Personal Property Registry also provides a search capability to find and print records in the registry. This allows individuals who are considering buying personal property such as a car or mobile home to check to see if there are any registered interests that could become their responsibility.

The Personal Property Registry System (PPRS) is implemented in partnership with Atlantic Canada On-line (ACOL). Full access to PPRS is obtained by signing up for an ACOL client account. An account will provide you with one or more user IDs and passwords in order to login to PPR. You can use an account to access the Northwest Territories PPR and all other ACOL PPR jurisdictions (NU, YK, NB, NS, NL and PE).

If you do not wish to create an account, there are also value-added service providers who are able to perform registrations and searches for you. The ACOL website maintains a list of some of these value-added services providers.

An account is necessary in order to search in the ACOL PPRS with the exception of the Lien Check service. Searches can also be conducted at the Department of Justice Legal Registries Office in Yellowknife by completing and submitting a Search Request Form.

The following types of registrations can be made in the Personal Property Registry:

  • Personal Property Security Act financing statements
  • Children’s Law Act, or Family Law Act financing statements
  • Factors Act or Sale of Goods Act interests
  • Garage Keepers Lien Act registrations
  • Maintenance Orders registered by the Maintenance Enforcement Office
  • Federal and Territorial writs of execution

Notice of Security Interest

The Personal Property Security Act also allows a person to register a notice against the Certificate of title to land in the Land Titles Office. A Notice of Security Interest can be registered against the Certificate of title to land for security interests taken in rents, fixtures or growing crops. This Notice preserves the priority of the interest in the personal property; otherwise a person acquiring an interest in land is able to rely on the rents, fixtures or growing crops being part of the land.

Notice of Security Interest Form

A Change Notice has been prescribed for giving notice of a renewal, transfer, postponement, amendment, partial discharge or full discharge of a security interest in rents, fixtures or crops. A change notice can only be registered if the original notice has not expired.

Fees and Forms
Personal Property Registry Client Support Centre
1st Floor, Stuart M. Hodgson Building, 5009-49th St
X1A 2L9
4:30AM - 6:00PM

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