Justices of the Peace Vacancies

The Justice of the Peace Program of the Northwest Territories invites applications for part-time Justices of the Peace.

Justices of the Peace perform an important role under federal, territorial and municipal laws as independent and impartial judicial officers. Justices of the Peace do not have to be lawyers, and are not expected to have had legal training before appointment.

Applicants must:

  • Be at least 19 years of age;
  • Be a resident in the Northwest Territories for six months or longer;
  • Be willing to work part-time as and when required, including weekly on-call shifts;
  • Be willing to travel to other communities.
  • Not be peace officers;
  • Not practice law in the Northwest Territories; and
  • Provide a Criminal Records check.

Successful applicants who have been approved following a screening process may be appointed by the Commissioner in Executive Council.

Upon appointment, Justices of the Peace will receive training, and may be assigned part-time powers and responsibilities by the Chief Judge of the Territorial Court. All work is compensated by honoraria established under the Justices of the Peace Remuneration and Allowances Regulations.

Trained Justices of the Peace in the Northwest Territories may:

  • Administer oaths for charges laid by the police or the public;
  • Confirm or cancel police issued process (Promise To Appear, Appearance Notice or Undertaking);
  • Review and sign court issued process (Summons, Warrants for Arrest);
  • Review and issue Subpoenas compelling witnesses to attend court;
  • Administer oaths for Affidavits, Affirmations and Declarations;
  • Consider applications for Search Warrants and Production Orders;
  • Hold Bail Hearings to decide whether a person who has been arrested should remain in custody or be released;
  • Grant an adjournment of a matter;
  • Hold hearings for Emergency Protection Orders and Peace Bond Applications;
  • Conduct trials for offences under various territorial statutes including traffic, liquor and wildlife offences;
  • Conduct trials for offences under various municipal bylaws including parking, noise and domestic animal violations;
  • Perform marriages.

There is no closing date and this is not a government competition. Appointments are available throughout the Northwest Territories. You can find more information about becoming a Justice of the Peace here.

If you are interested in serving as a part-time Justice of the Peace, please contact:

Justice of the Peace Program
Courts of the Northwest Territories
4903 49th St
PO Box 550
X1A 2N4
A complete alphabetical listing of the consolidated territorial Acts and associated regulations.
Contact the Department of Justice