Legislation search
This page provides a full-text search of the Acts and regulations of the Northwest Territories. A complete alphabetical listing is also available.
Results 1 to 10 of 270 for child support
support order or child support agreement that follows the effective date
Child Support 2. Deduct any child support received that is included to determine total income in the T1 General form issued by the Canada Revenue Agency.
support order or a child support agreement, a payor or a recipient under the order or agreement; (partie) "payor" means a person who is required to pay child support under a child support order or a child support agreement; (payeur) "recalculated amount" means the amount of child support payable
Effet de la détermination Support for child 12. (1) In determining the entitlement to support for a child, the Northwest Territories court shall first apply the law of the jurisdiction in which the child is ordinarily resident, but if under that law the child is not entitled to support, the Northwest
Enfants de moins d’un an Obligation to support child 68.
application includes a claim for child support, and (ii) the financial statement required under the Family Law Act, if the support application includes a claim for support for a person other than a child; and (d) include a statement informing the respondent that if the respondent does not appear as
Conduite des conjoints Dependent Parent Support Aliments du père ou de la mère à charge Obligation of child to support parent 17. (1) A child who has attained the age of majority has an obligation to provide support, in accordance with need, for his or her parent to the extent that the child is capable
(child) «juge» Juge de la Cour suprême.
demandeur qui reçoit l’avis de décision visé au paragraphe 3(5) peut, dans les 30 jours qui suivent la réception de l’avis, demander au ministre de réexaminer la décision. 2 (2) An application for reconsideration under subsection (1) must be accompanied by the applicant’s written representations in support
to examine those records under section 34; (q) respecting the disclosure of information about children attending an early learning and child care facility to third parties for the provision of support services to the facility under section 35; (r) respecting the form, contents and manner of submission
These consolidations are updated monthly and may not be the most current version available. Changes to regulations are published in the Northwest Territories Gazette.
Please note that not all Northwest Territories statutes, regulations and court rules are consolidated in this service. Statutes with a temporary or limited effect, such as appropriations acts, loan authorization acts and acts writing-off or forgiving assets or debts, are not included. Similarly, regulations with a temporary or limited effect, such as bylaw exemption orders and liquor plebiscite orders, are not included.
The consolidations have been prepared for convenience of reference only, and are not an official statement of the law. Users should note that the Government of the Northwest Territories assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the contents of the consolidations. The authoritative text of statutes can be ascertained from the Revised Statutes of the Northwest Territories, 1988 and the Annual Volumes of the Statutes of the Northwest Territories. Any certified Bills not yet included in the Annual Volumes can be obtained through the Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. The authoritative text of regulations can be ascertained from the Revised Regulations of the Northwest Territories, 1990 and Part II of the Northwest Territories Gazette.
Copies of the rules of court application to courts in the Northwest Territories are available online.
Copyright Notice
The legislative material in the consolidations may be used for a non-commercial purpose without seeking permission, provided that it is accurately reproduced and includes an acknowledgment of the Government of the Northwest Territories as its source. Reproduction of the legislative material is permitted, in whole or in part, and by any means.